The Three Colours of Love

The Three Colours of Love

Fiona Dowling: Stories, Mbira

Come and hear musical and mystical stories of romance, heart-to-hearts and skipping beats. Listen between the lines for echoes of ancient wisdom from the Moroccan souk and the Persian bazaar. Once upon a Boom Boom there was the human heart, still hungry today for tales of its own working.

Mesdames et Messieurs, in this intimate, poetic and playful show you will learn how to make women grow plump, how to find a mate the Spanish way, the benefits of hot dogs, the hidden wisdom of love triangles, the danger of looking into your lover’s eyes, the three colours of love and table manners among the winged folk. Trust Fiona Dowling’s warm telling and irresistible French accent and Bernard Burns’ sensual saxophone playing to serenade you into the softest je-ne-sais-quoi-est places of your heart.


Posted on

January 24, 2018

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